Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ala Family Art

Waking up to this face has proven to be the perfect remedy for a head full of grumpy angry thoughts. And believe me, when you are working on very little sleep AND the cat is clawing at the blinds trying to get to the window (because for some reason he thinks your backyard changed since yesterday) AND the baby is screaming for you AND you HAVE to get out of your warm perfectly made bed (haha yeah right!), you can come up with some pretty awful grumpy angry thoughts. But seriously though, how can anyone stay grumpy with two eyes like this staring them down even if it IS 4 am and even if they did JUST manage to poop all over themselves and the table they are laying on? Not to mention, after the climatic event passes they suddenly light up with smiles meant especially for you.

AND that is how my day starts. AND that is pretty much how I imagine it will end. BUT we draw on. Steven, Alaina, and I. Armed with markers, crayons, pens, and paintbrushes, we color our life the way we see fit and all of the boo boos we make along the way, well they are part of what we happily refer to as... the Ala Family Art. I hope you will enjoy our art as much as we enjoy making it.

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