Monday, September 20, 2010

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

If you are wondering, I never made it to IKEA.  I went all that way but I never made it. I think my need to organize absolutely everything with labels, by color, and type, would have found many wonderful things there but like I said I didn't make it.  So to avoid dwelling I'll move on.

Steven and I have been very busy redecorating, rearranging, and organizing.  However, if you visited right this second you would never know it.  Every room in our house is a complete mess.  I suppose that is what they mean when they say "things usually get worse before they get better".  I can see a light at the end of the tunnel but it is in the far distance and we have many hurdles to get over first, and don't forget we are lugging along an 8 month old.  So, Baby Bjorn or not she is heavy and she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, which means a day project is taking us more like 3 days. Remember our cabinets?  Well those things are STILL without a single door.  We have figured out what we are doing with them, and we THINK we can get them finished some time in the near future.  Maybe by Christmas.  :)  As soon as those are finished the counter tops are next.  We have received a few estimates lately, and let me tell you those numbers are big enough to choke on. Renovating is not anywhere near as easy as they show you on TV.

 In saying all of that, as part of our redecorating we finally purchased a mirror to go over the console table in the entry.  Unfortunately for me, Steven does not like it.  I do though and I was curious how many other people thought it looked as AMAZING as I think it does.  Either way it stays, since every time I see it I feel happy inside. 

Now off to chasing the baby who is crawling down the hallway saying "Dada Dada Dada".

Check back later for the new job update.

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